I obtained my PhD from the University of Leuven (Advisor: Prof. Jeroen Stouten), Belgium in November 2019. I worked in the research group of Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Currently, I am affiliated with the Department of Psychology, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh as a faculty member.

For my dissertation, I worked on leadership-followership in the context of ethical-unethical behavior. More specifically, I studied what leaders who value ethics and integrity exactly do to encourage followers to adhere to accepted normative standards. The ultimate aim of my dissertation was to get insights into improving and developing effective leadership in organizations. 

Following the lead of my dissertation research, my current and future research projects revolve around Leadership and Positive Organizational Scholarship. 

Apart from my teaching and research, I am also readily available to share my knowledge and expertise with the Organizations to help them transform from better to outstanding.